Darren Hardy Interviews Lisa Oz
Lisa Oz is the wife of world acclaimed Dr. Mehmet Oz. Lisa Oz is a moving speaker, producer, writer, actress and coauthor to five New York Times best-selling books, including the “YOU: The Owner’s Manual” series. Visit her at www.lisaoz.com
Learning Lessons from the Interview: (as interpreted & understood by me)
Lisa is a student of life. Finds purpose in being. She believes that relationships are the core of our existence. Everything is affected by relationships – career, family, personal development, health, sex life etc. are all based on your relationships.
You are a product of your relationships.
Having a relationship means possession. Being in a relationship is where you are affected by relationship.
Most important relationship is to our selves
Then relationship to others and
then relationship to the divine.
Relationship with self is most important and sets the foundation for other relationships. This is the only area which we can control too.
How habits shape the people in our lives – Habits are good for overall wellbeing of us, but in relationships habits can be detrimental. Acting from a habit is detrimental as it does not allow you to grow. Relationships can only work when partners are conscious.
Emotional habits e.g. responding to significant other in similar manner every single time can cause conflicts.
One mistake couples make they put a lot of effort in the initial years and then once the nuptials are over and you have settled into routine, they expect it to manage itself. People forget marriage takes work, commitment, dedication and recognition. Marriage does not automatically grow itself.
How to improve relationship
- Be honest with yourself, only then you can be honest to your partner
- Be willing to do the work. If you are dissatisfied with your relationship – be it your boss, children, spouse etc. work on yourself
- Be kind in all of your relationships
Advise to Men:
Show up – Men more than women often neglect to make the connection. Stop making everything about productivity and efficiency. Spend time together.